Pollution Probe “Peter Middleton Legacy Award” – Presented in 2019 during celebration of Probe’s 50th anniversary in recognition of leadership at Pollution Probe during its initial years including working with the team that developed the 3 R’s (Reduce Reuse, Recycle)
Rethink Sustainability Initiatives “Global Action Partners Award for Outstanding Inter-Generational Leadership” – Presented in 2014 “in recognition of tireless intergenerational leadership in sustainable development, and reminding us that our imperative is to leave the world a better place for those that follow”.
Lifetime Achievement Award for Sustainable Buildings – Awarded in September 2007 at the Green Building Festival for a life time commitment to promoting energy conservation in the built environment.
EnerQuality/R-2000 Hall of Fame – Presented during the 2005 Ontario Homebuilders and Renovations Forum in recognition of leadership in creation and management of EnerQuailty Corporation and promoting energy efficiency in new buildings.
Honorary Lifetime Membership – Presented by Non-Smokers’ Rights Association in 1982 for outstanding contribution to environmental health and preventative medicine.