Selected Published Articles
Reflections on COP26: 26th meeting of the Conference of the Parties, organized by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
I did not attend the COP26 meeting in Glasgow, but will say at the outset how very proud I am that my oldest daughter was there and speaking on behalf of the B Corp movement in the UK. I will assume that most of the people who read this have been following the discussions and have read many summaries, so I will not repeat these. Instead, the following are a few of my reflections on issues that I consider of most interest. As I think it is important to see what was actually agreed to, not what was reported to have been said, I have included direct quotes from the final Pact. Reflections on COP26 (This article was published on the Pivot Green web site)
I did not attend the COP26 meeting in Glasgow, but will say at the outset how very proud I am that my oldest daughter was there and speaking on behalf of the B Corp movement in the UK. I will assume that most of the people who read this have been following the discussions and have read many summaries, so I will not repeat these. Instead, the following are a few of my reflections on issues that I consider of most interest. As I think it is important to see what was actually agreed to, not what was reported to have been said, I have included direct quotes from the final Pact. Reflections on COP26 (This article was published on the Pivot Green web site)
Reflections on Recent IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Asessment Report
Anyone reading this has probably already read the key headlines from the recently released IPCC Sixth Assessment Report such as "Global warming is dangerously close to spiraling out of control", "Unless immediate, rapid, and large-scale action is taken to reduce emissions…," and "Red Alert". This note will thus focus on one image and five important reflections that received less coverage. A picture is worth a thousand words – a great image of the current situation was used as the introduction and conclusion of an article by The Economist. The image features Sheriff Brody of Jaws fame when he realized that the terror could no longer be hidden. Reflections on Recent IPCC Asessment Report

Anyone reading this has probably already read the key headlines from the recently released IPCC Sixth Assessment Report such as "Global warming is dangerously close to spiraling out of control", "Unless immediate, rapid, and large-scale action is taken to reduce emissions…," and "Red Alert". This note will thus focus on one image and five important reflections that received less coverage. A picture is worth a thousand words – a great image of the current situation was used as the introduction and conclusion of an article by The Economist. The image features Sheriff Brody of Jaws fame when he realized that the terror could no longer be hidden. Reflections on Recent IPCC Asessment Report

Accelerating retrofits to reach our carbon reduction targets
Several Canadian companies have developed innovative, data-driven tools to make energy efficiency more scalable. By giving homeowners better access to solutions by the community of competing energy efficiency firms and leveraging their expertise, they can help homeowners better understand the opportunity that exists in their homes – and put them directly in touch with an energy adviser and trade contractor to get started. Read more about this opportunity in this article.
Several Canadian companies have developed innovative, data-driven tools to make energy efficiency more scalable. By giving homeowners better access to solutions by the community of competing energy efficiency firms and leveraging their expertise, they can help homeowners better understand the opportunity that exists in their homes – and put them directly in touch with an energy adviser and trade contractor to get started. Read more about this opportunity in this article.
An Old Dog Learns New Tricks: Application of Social Psychology to Encourage Canadian to Conserve Energy
For 50 years, I have been involved in creating and managing voluntary energy efficiency programs, as well as managing agencies set up to design and deliver these programs. It is amazing to me that so few of the lessons from social psychology and behavioural psychology in particular are used in these programs. Through both my undergraduate and graduate degrees, I never took a psychology course and although, like many, I read a few of the popular books on the subject (Nudge, The Undoing Project, Fostering Sustainable Behavior, the Power of Habits). At age 70, I decided to change that and returned to university to take a first year course on Psychology; I have just completed a second year course on Social Psychology and plan to take a third year course on Environmental Psychology this fall. This article is a summary of my research research paper (PDF) on this topic.
For 50 years, I have been involved in creating and managing voluntary energy efficiency programs, as well as managing agencies set up to design and deliver these programs. It is amazing to me that so few of the lessons from social psychology and behavioural psychology in particular are used in these programs. Through both my undergraduate and graduate degrees, I never took a psychology course and although, like many, I read a few of the popular books on the subject (Nudge, The Undoing Project, Fostering Sustainable Behavior, the Power of Habits). At age 70, I decided to change that and returned to university to take a first year course on Psychology; I have just completed a second year course on Social Psychology and plan to take a third year course on Environmental Psychology this fall. This article is a summary of my research research paper (PDF) on this topic.
"From Utility Demand Side Management to Low-Carbon Transitions: Opportunities and Challenges for Energy Efficiency Governance in a New Era", with Brendan Haley, James Gaede & Mark Winfield, Energy Research and Social Science Vol 59, January 2020
"Jobs, Jobs, Jobs: The Human Side of Energy Efficiency", with Cristian Hurtado, RSI Thought Leadership Report Shaping the Future of Energy & Buildings, Summer 2019
"All Levels of Government Need to Understand Why Science Matters", with Reinhart Reithmeier, Toronto Star, July 14, 2018
"Climate Change, Energy and Us", RSI Thought Leadership Report Sustainable Futures, 2018
"Promoting the Conservation Conversation", Canadian Property Management, December 2018
"The Past, Present and Future of Energy Conservation in Ontario", Energy Regulation Quarterly, June 2015
"Friendly Rivalry Underpins Toronto’s Energy Challenge", Canadian Property Management, April 2013
"Enhancing Outcomes Through Energy Performance Contracts: Transferring the risks of hospital retrofits through EPCs", Canadian Healthcare Facilities, Summer 2013
Corporate Sustainability in Business Strategy & Sustainability (2012)
"Demand Response: An important component of electricity conservation", Building Strategies & Sustainability, Fall 2012
"Great Saves: Seven projects prove retrofits are far less daunting when the energy savings contract is tied to successful performance", Alternatives magazine, Spring 2012
"Green Buildings in China: Observations of a booming nation", Business Strategies & Sustainability, Spring 2012
"It's Not So Hard Being Green: Energy, climate change and the responsibility of directors", Institute of Corporate Directors magazine, March 2012
"Growing Calls for Zero Energy Buildings", Sustainable Builder magazine, Spring 2011
"Water is Liquid Energy", Sustainable Builder magazine, Fall 2011
"Building Codes and Voluntary Programs Make Ontario New Home Builders Leaders in Energy Efficiency", Sustainable Builder magazine, Fall 2011
"No Cost Energy Retrofits in the MUSH Sector", Sustainable Builder magazine, Summer 2011
"Taking the Risks out of Retrofits", Sustainable Builder magazine, Winter 2010
"An Energy Plan for a Growing Community", Sustainable Builder magazine, Fall 2010
"Creating a Culture of Conservation in Ontario: Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities", July 2009, Power & Energy Society. This paper, coauthored with Steven Norrie, summarizes Ontario's approach to achieving its aggressive targets, the challenges being faced and the need for a change in cultural attitudes towards energy.
Conservation Zone Articles, 2006-2009. This series of articles and newspaper insert were published in over 100 daily and community papers across Ontario.
- "Ontarians are changing the culture of electricity conservation"
- "Phantoms are Afoot in Ontario!"
- "Ontario’s long tradition of Christmas lights gets an enenrg efficienct makeover"
- "Compact fluroescents light the way to a brighter future for Ontario"
- "New Years Resolutions to Shed Extra Kilowatts"
- "Get the Rights Tools for the Job"
- "Every Light Bulb Counts"
- "Get Energetic on Savings Energy"
- "Phantom Load: The Next Frontier in Electricity Conservation"
- "A New Era of Electricity Conservation"
- "Seasonal LED Lighting"
- "The Power to Conserve Rests in our Hands"
- "No Cost Ways to Save Energy"
- "Ontario's Long Tradition of Christmas Lights gets an Energy Efficient Makeover"
- "Calling All Ontarians: Take the 10% by 2007 Challenge"
- "Conservation Officer Gives Some Tips to Save Energy"
- "Conserving Can Be a Year-Round Resolution"
- "The Benefits of Insulation"
- "Lights! Lumens! Action!"
- "The Second Price Tag on Appliances"
- "Put a Lid on it: Low cost Ways to Save Energy"
- "Welcome to the Conservation Zone"
"The Importance of Leadership in Conservation", Builder/Architect Green Building magazine, Fall 2008. This is one of a series of articles published in this magazine on green buildings.
"Every Kilowatt Counts; Taking Action on Electricity Conservation", Corporate Knights magazine, January 2008. This article is call for action on energy conservation.
"Climate Change, Conservation and You", May 2006. This article makes the link between climate change and energy with specific actions individuals should take where they live, work and learn.
"Blackout Anniversary a Chance for Real Action on Conservation", August 2004. The first anniversary of the August 14, 2003 blackout is an excellent opportunity to look in the rear-view mirror and examine how Ontario has responded over the past year and look forward to determine how we can reduce the likelihood of this event happening again.
"Clean and Cleaner", 2004. Towards a new energy action plan for Canada.